The differences between an average caucasian face and an average asian face

Have you ever wondered why people from different races look different?.Is it because of us living in different climates?,and our history background has also impacted how our ancestors evolve and develop.Let’s point out the differences between European and asian facial features

White people live in colder,drier climate.Therefore,their facial structures have changed throughout the years in order to adapt to the climate.People who live further from the equator have less melanin production in their body.As a result,Europeans evolve with fairer skin tone,Lighter hair,different eye colors which are contributed to their unique beauty.

On average, Europeans have middle-face prognathism, meaning the nose bridge, nose, middle face, and upper jaw usually stick out compared to the rest of the face. They also have less prominent cheekbones,thinner lips,deeper eye sockets(prominent brow ridge),higher nose bridge(nasofrontal angle),bushier eyebrows,narrower nostrils,…white people have sharpest facial features among all groups in comparison with the asian groups and african groups.

Here’s the image of an average caucasian woman


Slightly vertically thin upper and lower lips.

Straight eyebrows(very flat)

Slightly wider nose

Lateral border of the face slightly wider than the Mask

Possible: Narrow eyes, longer vertical chin, longer nose

Heres an average asian face


Medial epicanthic fold
Lateral epicanthic fold
Lateral border of the face significantly wider than the Mask
Eye brows slightly superior to that of the Mask with shorter tails
Slightly wider nose and nostrils (nasal ala and nares extend laterally)
Superiorly positioned nasal columella creating a longer upper lip

As you can see,the differences are clear.Asian and caucasian faces possess different facial structures